5 Strategies to Add ‘Ear Candy’ to Your Tracks & Elevate Your Music Production with Subtle Sonic Magic

Graham English
9 min readJan 12, 2024

Have you ever listened to a song and thought, “Wow, this is good, but it’s missing a certain… je ne sais quoi”?

Well, my friend, that ‘je ne sais quoi’ is probably ear candy.

Think of it as the sprinkles on your musical donut, the cherry on your sonic sundae, the… well, you get the idea.

Transforming with Transitional Effects

Picture this: I was fiddling with a tune last week, and it felt as lifeless as a doorknob. But then, BAM! I slipped in a riser, and suddenly, the track was jumping more than a kangaroo on a trampoline.

Risers, down sweeps, impacts — they’re not just fancy jargon. They’re your secret weapons for building tension and guiding your listener on a musical rollercoaster (without the nausea, hopefully).

Creating transitional effects in Logic Pro is a dance of building anticipation and delivering satisfaction. It’s about guiding your listeners through the emotional landscape of your track.

Mastering Transitional Effects in Logic Pro:

Identify Transition Points:

  • Begin by thoroughly…



Graham English

Musician & Composer, Best-Selling Author of Logic Pro For Dummies